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Rainbow moonstone is known to enhance intuition and open the mind to subtle perceptions, making it an ideal stone for meditation and spiritual development.
This Rainbow Moonstone Pyramid combines the properties of rainbow moonstone with a pyramid shape to help promote psychic awareness, feminine energy, and spiritual growth. Its said to possess powerful feminine energies that will help awaken psychic abilities and spiritual growth by connecting one to their third eye and crown chakras. Furthermore, its unique shape helps channel energy, making it a powerful energy tool.
The positive energy flow of the unique shape of pyramid promotes deep healing and brings harmony amongst individuals. It also cleans negative energies from the environment. Rainbow moonstone is regarded as a stone of goddesses as it harmonises with the feminine and helps you empower the Divine Feminine within yourself.
In the realm of the mind, rainbow moonstone is believed to stimulate creativity and intuition. It’s said to heighten one’s psychic abilities and sharpen one’s perception of hidden truths. This gemstone is an invaluable tool for individuals seeking mental clarity and a connection to their inner wisdom.
Harnessing all the power of the feminine, the shifter of tides, and the intuitive energy of cyclical change – the Rainbow Moonstone Pyramid brings its deep crystal healing and fluid approach to keep you standing in light no matter how dark the night.
As ancient as the moon itself, the meaning of the Rainbow Moonstone lies within its playful glimmer. Its power nourishes, gives passion and awakens your feminine energies. The gemstone has the ability to not only heal you but is believed to guide you to your inner path.
Rainbow Moonstone Pyramid
Pyramid is a symbol of power and strong religious beliefs. The positive energy flow of the unique shape of pyramid promotes deep healing and brings harmony amongst individuals. It also cleans negative energies from the environment.
Rainbow moonstone is regarded as a stone of goddesses as it harmonises with the feminine and helps you empower the Divine Feminine within yourself. These Rainbow Moonstone Goddess Pyramids are a symbolic totem of the beauty of balance and the gifts of the feminine.
Rainbow moonstone is found in India and is a powerful healing stone for the emotional body. It purifies and transmutes negative energy, and helps to facilitate chakra alignment and activation. Radiating with vitality, joy, and life force, rainbow moonstone helps you to maintain optimism and to see the light during dark and challenging times.
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