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Clear Quartz is known as a master healer and an amplifier of energy. When it comes to love, it enhances the loving energy around you and magnifies your intention to find or deepen love.
Clear quartz’s spiritual and metaphysical properties enable it to cleanse all the chakras, protect against negative energies, and connect with higher levels of consciousness. This powerful crystal is truly a gift from the Earth, providing healing, clarity, and light to all who embrace it.
Clear Quartz absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy. It draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes.
Quartz is widely used in spiritual practices to help open the chakras, strengthen connection with the higher self and develop intuition and psychic abilities. It is also used as a protector against negative influences and as an aid to achieving states of deep meditation.
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